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A faster way to write blog posts

You want to write blog posts at a faster pace because you know you should (for Google’s sake). But how do you “pump” out content faster, even if you have a lot to share? Is that even doable? Well, YES it is… by using a system and some good tips. Two years ago I found a genius way to help me write a post in 30 minutes and it was a tremendous help to write more often on my blogs. Still not done in 30 minutes, but that’s me, or rather, my perfectionism getting in the way.

Why would you want to produce posts faster?

The more you share, the more search engines will like your site. It’s just a fact that blogs with fresh content may end up higher in search engine results and get some Google-love. With that type of visibility you’ll get more visitors and isn’t that the goal of every blogger? Yes!

If you are busy and have multiple projects going on, it may be difficult to find time to write a 300-word post (yes, Google likes that too). That’s where being organized and using a system comes in. One that works for me and may do the same for you.

How to blog faster

It’s easy to get carried away when you have a lot to share, finding yourself 200 words later trying to remember what the point was of your post. Have you ever had that happen? Or that you didn’t know where to start or what to write, so you ended up abandoning your writing for weeks?

Well, you can ditch that with this 5-step plan that helps me stay focused and on track.

  1. Draw your readers in with your introduction (you could write this after your draft)
  2. Answer a question your audience may have on a certain topic (your subject)
  3. Figure out in what format you’ll share the information (video, podcast, bullets, story)
  4. Emphasize your message at the end (reminder of the why)
  5. Offer a (free) solution or bonus (give value)

And that’s the secret sauce I use to whip up content in less than an hour, not counting proofreading and adding images. I even created a worksheet I’m sharing at the end of this post, so keep reading.

More tips to write faster

If you need more than the system I mentioned above, here are some other tips that may help you too.

  1. Have a plan (schedule)
  2. Research and collect relevant topics and images (links)
  3. Write an outline (I use the 5-steps above)
  4. Write now, edit later (hide the perfectionist)
  5. Use short paragraphs (easier to read)
  6. Set a deadline to get your writing done
  7. Review and hit Publish!

Don’t overthink it, don’t try to make your post picture perfect. After all, your readers care more about the content and how it will help them achieve their goals or solve their problems than looking at a beautiful post.  Being a perfectionist more than often kill speed in anything we do, delaying our ultimate goal of producing and publishing content. Believe me, I’ve been there until I understood that it was holding me back.

Don’t wait to share your content until it’s perfect, your readers (and Google) want good and useful content, so try out the system above and hit Publish quicker than you used to. Let me know in the comments if that is true for you too.

Want the free worksheet to help you stay on track? I created this PDF printable you can download for free below.

Tried but you’d rather be doing other things than writing? Let me help you!

Click on the link to learn how I can add content to your site.