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Fun way to organize your desktop

How does your computer desktop look? If it’s partially or completely covered with icons you never look at, you’re not alone! I was recently browsing Pinterest for useful tips to share and came across what I thought was a genius solution to my own computer desktop clutter.

I’m not going to give you step-by-step instructions, but will instead share my ‘nuggets’ of organizing wisdom below.

After following the instructions, I realized that the post was published in 2016. Still relevant!

Try to make your own pretty desktop organizer with PowerPoint. 


Follow this video for creating a desktop organizer using Canva.


Or use this functional way of organizing your computer desktop

(sorry, I liked all and couldn’t choose which one is the best).


Who knew that you could neatly line up and organize your icons to find whatever you need quickly? I didn’t know people did that! And since I’ve tried it myself, I’m hooked!

Now, if I could only do that to my real desktop…

Liked these tips? Let me know in the comments below how you organize your computer desktop.

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